E6 Encoder PinOut Cable to DB9 End .... E6 Encoder PinOut to KFLOP PinOut on JP5 (One Axis)
 DB9 BreakOut Board PinOut to RJ45 End for C46 Differential Converter PinOut (Purchased from www.CNC4PC.com) ....E6 Encoder PinOut to KFLOP PinOut on JP5 (One Axis)
 RJ45 End from the Single-Ended C46 Differential Converter PinOut to RJ45 End for RJ45 Break-Out Board...E6 Encoder PinOut to KFLOP PinOut on JP5 (One Axis)
 RJ45 Break-Out Board to RJ45 end for KFLOP PinOut.E6 Encoder PinOut to KFLOP PinOut on JP5 (One Axis)
............  This Image is a Link to the Excel Spreadsheet of the above PinOut Data/Images................E6 Encoder PinOut to KFLOP PinOut on JP5 (One Axis)